Personal Injury

Personal Injury Claim: Why You Should Get Immediate Medical Treatment

Personal Injury Claim: Why You Must Get Immediate Medical Treatment

When you experience a personal injury, your health and recovery should always be a top priority. Seeking medical treatment should be the first thing you do. Of course, we also know that many people are inclined to shrug off seemingly minor or even major injuries, avoiding the hassle of an emergency room or doctor's appointment. While this may be tempting, there are other reasons why to seek medical treatment promptly following a personal injury that you may not have considered, including proof for personal injury claim.

1) Insurance Relies on Medical Reports

Without medical care, it will be difficult to make an insurance claim. Insurance companies rely on medical reports to determine when an injury occurred, how serious it is, and how much a person might need to cover their medical costs. Without medical reports, it's your word against theirs, and insurance companies do not pay out more than they absolutely have to.

Even if you get medical care a few days later, the insurance company may have room to argue that your injury is not relevant or is less severe than you claim.

Personal Injury: Filing Insurance Claim
Personal Injury: Filing Insurance Claim

2) Prompt Medical Care as Proof for PERSONAL injury claim

Insurance companies are always suspicious of fraud. Seeking immediate medical care helps to establish your timeline - exactly when you were injured  - and will provide evidence tha t backs your story of what happened when you file a personal injury claim. When the insurance company demands proof that you are injured and that you were injured in the way that you claim, your medical records and your doctor's word stand as proof.

3) Don't Put Your Recovery at Risk

Lastly, remember not to put your own recovery at risk for the sake of toughing it out. Many injuries are more severe than they seem at first, with symptoms that develop or become worse over time. Immediate treatment is the best way to minimize long-term effects and get you on the path to recovery as soon as possible.


If you have experienced a recent personal injury in Wisconsin, don't face the insurance company alone. First, take care of your injury by seeking medical care. Then hire a personal injury lawyer to defend and guide your case, ensuring you are offered a fair settlement for the full extent and recovery requirements of your injury. 

Bykhovsky Law LLC is here to help. Contact us for a free consultation.