If you were in a bicycle accident, you are not alone. Hundreds of collisions involve bicycles annually in Wisconsin. Additionally, a person is more likely to sustain severe injuries due to less protection.
As a result, you may find yourself spending thousands of dollars on medical treatments. Bicycle accident claims work to reimburse you for your losses. Bykhovsky Law can help you with the next steps.
The Deadline to File Accident Claims in Wisconsin
A bicycle accident injury can result in expensive medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering. The effects can last for years, but the law may allow you to get financial compensation. You may do so through an accident claim.
However, you do not have long to seek compensation. The statute of limitations grants people three years to start bicycle accident claims. The clock begins running on the day of the incident.
An exception may extend or pause the statute of limitations. Otherwise, you lose the chance to get compensation for your injuries.
How to File a Bicycle Accident Claim
Gather Evidence
The first step to a successful bicycle accident claim is to gather evidence. For instance, you would get the contact information of the at-fault driver. Then, record their vehicle details. Of course, other people may have been present at the crash.
Some bicycle accidents have witnesses present. You can talk to them after the crash and get their names and phone numbers. However, do not worry if you cannot get their information after the collision. Some police reports have names of bystanders. Your attorney can use a copy to locate the witnesses.
Additional evidence to get is several photographs. If you can, take multiple pictures of the vehicle and damaged bicycle. Furthermore, you might find street cameras that have captured valuable footage.

Get Medical Care
The next important step in bicycle accident claims is to go to the hospital. Find a doctor to examine your condition. They may discover a non-visible injury like a traumatic brain injury. Additionally, your physician can tell you how significant your injuries are.
The information is valuable since you better understand what your claim is worth. After your visit, you should get copies of your medical records. You can use the documents to prove to the adjuster that your injuries are serious.
Call the Insurer
After seeing a doctor, you must contact the insurance company to file a claim. You would call the other driver's insurance company to do so. However, the at-fault motorist may not have insurance or fled from the scene before you could talk to them.
Therefore, you likely will have to file a claim with your insurer. Wisconsin requires all licensed motorists to carry uninsured motorist coverage. The policy would pay for losses like medical expenses and property damage.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
Some people struggle with their bicycle accident claims, especially if their injuries are severe. Adjusters may attempt to find ways to reduce the payout or deny claimants. Find a personal injury attorney if you believe the insurance adjuster is acting in bad faith.
A bicycle accident lawyer handles the claim for you and can protect you from unfair tactics. Your attorney knows how to calculate settlements. They negotiate with the insurer for the best outcome.
How a Bicycle Accident Lawyer Can Help
A Wisconsin bicycle accident lawyer helps by completing the paperwork. A claim may require you to review and file documents. You can save valuable time by having an attorney assist you.
Another way a lawyer can help is by proving liability. Claims require the injured party to show the other side was negligent. You would have to meet specific requirements. Your attorney knows how to establish liability and can find evidence to strengthen your argument.
Do you plan to start a bicycle accident claim? Bykhovsky Law is ready to help you hold the at-fault driver responsible. We have proactively helped clients with their personal injury claims throughout Wisconsin. We have the experience you need to get compensation. Contact us for a Free Consultation.