Personal Injury

Dog Bite Injury Claims Process in Wisconsin

Dog Bite Injury Claims Process in Wisconsin

According to the CDC, there are 4.5 million dog bites every year in the United States. About 20% of these dog bite injuries become infected and require medical care.

Many people regard dogs as loving companions. They often forget that dogs can be dangerous and cause severe injuries when they attack or bite someone.

By engaging the services of a personal injury lawyer from Bykhovsky Law LLC, dog bite injury victims can pursue legal action to seek compensation for their injuries and other related damages.


Dog bite injury victims can pursue compensation for injuries or other damages from an animal's owner or the person responsible for the dog, such as a pet sitter or landlord. All dog owners in Wisconsin must prevent their pets from injuring or harming another pet or person. Wisconsin Statute 174.02(1) outlines that animal owners in Wisconsin are strictly liable for damages or injuries caused by their pets. They can be responsible for:

  • Dog bites
  • Dogs running into the road or street, causing vehicle collisions
  • Dogs running into another person, causing a slip or fall

Because Wisconsin uses a strict dog bite liability statute, a dog owner can be liable for damages or injuries caused by their pet. This happens even if they didn't know the animal had aggressive or dangerous tendencies or if the pet had not attacked or bitten someone previously. If the dog has a history of dangerous or aggressive behavior, the owner can pay more than the typical damages.

The only time a Wisconsin dog owner isn't liable for the damages caused by an aggressive pet is when Wisconsin's modified comparative negligence applies. Under these laws, the injured party can be wholly or partially responsible for their animal attack injuries if they provoked the animal before it attacked. The injured party can't recover any damages if they bear at least 51% responsibility for their injuries.

Some people wonder if filing an animal attack injury claim can result in the pet's death. Wisconsin Statute 174.02(3) permits courts to order the animal to be killed if it caused severe injuries on two distinct occasions and the owner knew about the first injury. Thankfully, this rarely happens.

Dog Bite Injury Claims Process in Wisconsin


Many dogs are friendly. They can only bite in a few instances when they are:

  • Stressed
  • Scared or startled
  • Threatened
  • Defending their possessions, territories, or puppies
  • Sick or sore due to an illness or injury
  • Playing without realizing they're being too rough

An animal attack can cause infections, facial injuries, amputations, nerve damage, scarring, muscle impairments, rabies, abrasions/lacerations, broken bones, or death. Consulting a lawyer can help you get compensation for these injuries. You can use the compensation to get medical care or specialized treatment, reducing your pain and suffering.


Follow these steps if a dog bites you or someone close to you:

  1. Don't pull away or ask the person to pull away if the dog has a hold on you or them. Pulling away can make it sink its teeth deeper, causing more damage.
  2. Stop the bleeding after the pet lets go by applying direct pressure to the injured area with a clean cloth.
  3. Clean the wound by rinsing it with warm, soapy water. You can apply antibiotic ointment before covering the region using a tape, bandage, or gauze.
  4. You can treat minor wounds at home. However, seek medical care if:
  • The wound is gaping, or bleeding doesn't stop within 15 minutes
  • The wound seems infected (you can know through redness, fever, or pus)
  • You don't know the pet's immunization status
  • The victim hasn't gotten a tetanus shot within five years
  • The bite is on the victim's foot, hand, or face
  • It was a stray dog
  1. Once a doctor has treated the wound, you can write down the attack's details. You can include its location, timeline, and the dog's description (including its behavior).
  2. Contact an attorney to discover your rights and get guidance for the next steps.
  3. Find the pet's owner and obtain their contact information. They can inform you of the animal's immunization status.
  4. Report the incident to animal control and the police to prevent the dog from biting other people.
  5. Seek compensation through negotiations or suing.


Bykhovsky Law LLC can help you get compensation if an animal like a dog bites or harms you. We are an experienced and reliable law firm that offers various legal issues throughout Wisconsin, and specializing in personal injury including representing animal attack injury victims. Contact us today to get a free consultation.